Sunday, August 19, 2007

Water Water

Thought I would start with Dr. Masaru Emoto is author of Messages From Water. For those who don't know; he photographs (frozen) water crystals, (actually he has someone else do it.) The healthier the water is the more beautiful the crystal, when the water is polluted there isn't a crystal its like a blob. no shape & not sparkly at all. He has also experimented with applying words, pictures, music to the water, photographing before and after, The water crystals change, when positive words are applied they form more crytals. It is truly amazing. When negative words/thoughts are applied they form misshapen, chaotic & dark crystals, (like the polluted water). When pictures are applied, the center hexagon will often mimic the photo. Suggesting that water has memory.

what does it mean?
Well I don't know about you but I would rather have pretty crystals in my guts. But besides that, we and the earth are around 70% water. So just like the water is effected, our water, inside us is effected. It means that everything gives off vibrations. Thoughts. Words. Actions. Prayers. and those vibes effect everything else. And by being & doing positive you create a positive effect. More than ever this is evidence that we are part of a whole. Dr Emoto is teaching children this concept and they are participating in some of the experiments. So he is kinda trying to pass the baton - His Quote: WE ADULTS NEED TO TRY NOT TO HURT THE EARTH ANY MORE UNTIL THE KIDS IN THE UN PROJECT GROW UP & CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET US OUT OF THIS MESS.

1 comment:

Tarun Kumar said...

I have a blog containing good information on global warming. Ozone has doubled since the mid-19th century due to chemical emissions from vehicles, industrial processes and the burning of forests, the British climate researchers wrote. Carbon dioxide has also risen over that period. History of global warming is very deep since 1850.