Tuesday, August 21, 2007

factory farming is bad

Peace means peace to all. While I won't sit here and say all eating of animals is bad, cause then I WOULD be a zealot. I will say the current state of how we get animals for food is REALLY effed up. Don't let anyone fool you, it is all about the corporacracy, its Big Business in bed with the Government. And we are getting screwed. From Genetically Modified Seeds to cutting baby chicken beaks off. This is bad. Bad for the folks who do this for a living, Bad for the animals, Bad for our collective karma. I do understand that organic & free range meat is expensive, I also understand that our bodies don't really NEED meat. THere are plant foods that are very high in protein and don't cause the problems that meat does in our bodies. But thats me. You can do what you want. But you should know where your food comes from, I am going to try really hard to not eat meat and if I do I want to know where it comes from and that the animals were treated humanely, 'cause I don't want sad animal meat in my guts. And yeah means no fish too. that will be alot tougher for me. But I am going to try. its what I can do.

WIll Tuttle www.willtuttle.com spoke at the conference about FF and I realized I could no longer eat meat and pretend to be a caring loving human. WHo would support this horrible practice? How did we get so far away from our origins ( think waltons) & so fast ? my god the greed, that is the only answer. Why can't we go back to local feeds local? why do we have to ship food? which is bad for the environment. IN addition to all that, Tuttle illustrates that these things we do to animals are being visited upon us. EX: You know we pump chickens full of hormones, to give them bigger breasts, look around, we make dun of Man Boobs but it isn't funny, young girls are boobier than ever... hmmmm, (and there is medical evidence for this) .
Nothing we do is without consequence.

and it isn't only about eating the meat : this is abusive too
read this http://notmilk.com/forum/515.html

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Water Water

Thought I would start with Dr. Masaru Emoto is author of Messages From Water. https://www.hado.net/watercrystals/index.php For those who don't know; he photographs (frozen) water crystals, (actually he has someone else do it.) The healthier the water is the more beautiful the crystal, when the water is polluted there isn't a crystal its like a blob. no shape & not sparkly at all. He has also experimented with applying words, pictures, music to the water, photographing before and after, The water crystals change, when positive words are applied they form more crytals. It is truly amazing. When negative words/thoughts are applied they form misshapen, chaotic & dark crystals, (like the polluted water). When pictures are applied, the center hexagon will often mimic the photo. Suggesting that water has memory.

what does it mean?
Well I don't know about you but I would rather have pretty crystals in my guts. But besides that, we and the earth are around 70% water. So just like the water is effected, our water, inside us is effected. It means that everything gives off vibrations. Thoughts. Words. Actions. Prayers. and those vibes effect everything else. And by being & doing positive you create a positive effect. More than ever this is evidence that we are part of a whole. Dr Emoto is teaching children this concept and they are participating in some of the experiments. So he is kinda trying to pass the baton - His Quote: WE ADULTS NEED TO TRY NOT TO HURT THE EARTH ANY MORE UNTIL THE KIDS IN THE UN PROJECT GROW UP & CAN FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET US OUT OF THIS MESS. https://www.hado.net/dremoto/project.php

Pathway to Peace

This is an annual summer conference put on by the Kushi Institute www.kushiinstitute.org They promote health and wellness through a macrobiotic approach. http://www.kushiinstitute.org/html/what_is_macro.html basically eating whole grains & veg
Sound boring? its not at all actually I think it is more challenging. In the 80s, the first time I tried MacB ( my new name for macrobiotics) used to be brown rice and not much else, some crazy veg I'd never heard of & sea kelp. I got Michio Kushi's book The Macrobiotic Way. It was just so hard to understand the Yin & Yang of food. So I ate sushi for a while & then gave up. So when I decided my key to health was MacB, I was daunted, back to that book, it just didn't make sense. But EUREKA! its the 21st century, we have internet, so off I went... there were OPTIONS! hooray. I am saved. You can buy MacB food online, there are forums, there are new books! I'll write about them as I go along. They were at the conference.

The conference is a mix of eating & cooking Macrobiotic and learning how to be better humans and live with less of an imprint on the earth. Some classes I attended were about health, some were more global health, some were cooking. And of course there was eating, 3 meals a day! that made eating MacB easy, I finally got to experience how it should REALLY taste and look.

You may already know some or all of this stuff, but maybe there is a nugget somewhere. So come along and get some of the information and inspiration.