Tuesday, August 21, 2007

factory farming is bad

Peace means peace to all. While I won't sit here and say all eating of animals is bad, cause then I WOULD be a zealot. I will say the current state of how we get animals for food is REALLY effed up. Don't let anyone fool you, it is all about the corporacracy, its Big Business in bed with the Government. And we are getting screwed. From Genetically Modified Seeds to cutting baby chicken beaks off. This is bad. Bad for the folks who do this for a living, Bad for the animals, Bad for our collective karma. I do understand that organic & free range meat is expensive, I also understand that our bodies don't really NEED meat. THere are plant foods that are very high in protein and don't cause the problems that meat does in our bodies. But thats me. You can do what you want. But you should know where your food comes from, I am going to try really hard to not eat meat and if I do I want to know where it comes from and that the animals were treated humanely, 'cause I don't want sad animal meat in my guts. And yeah means no fish too. that will be alot tougher for me. But I am going to try. its what I can do.

WIll Tuttle www.willtuttle.com spoke at the conference about FF and I realized I could no longer eat meat and pretend to be a caring loving human. WHo would support this horrible practice? How did we get so far away from our origins ( think waltons) & so fast ? my god the greed, that is the only answer. Why can't we go back to local feeds local? why do we have to ship food? which is bad for the environment. IN addition to all that, Tuttle illustrates that these things we do to animals are being visited upon us. EX: You know we pump chickens full of hormones, to give them bigger breasts, look around, we make dun of Man Boobs but it isn't funny, young girls are boobier than ever... hmmmm, (and there is medical evidence for this) .
Nothing we do is without consequence.

and it isn't only about eating the meat : this is abusive too
read this http://notmilk.com/forum/515.html


bluesblake said...

Why corporate farming has killed the " little man"

First reason: Farming is hard work. Everyone wants to eat but very few want to farm.

2nd: Regulations, FDA and other socialist Gov. agencys have put so many roadblocks in place that you have to have big bank to start any farming enterprise or continue what your grandfather did no matter how small.
i.e ( 1 example that I learned first hand) guy owns a farm in Mass. Dad owned it and his dad before him. Sold milk locally, Glass bottles with the foil crimp on lids. Gov. came in and forced him to go to plastic molded tops( tamper proof) . He couldnt afford the very expensive changeover so he had to sell his cows ( about 50 or so) now he rents his fields out to pay the taxes on the farm which are nuts ( helping to pay for Mass. insane social programs )and he sells feed and stuff for his living money.
Engineered food- ( Rice - if it wasnt for engineered rice china would have lost a lot of people in the 50s and 60s ( remember ? eat all your food, there are kids starving in china)
More and bigger is rarely better but hybrids and artifical fertilizers feed more people cheaper. Hence, keeping everyone alive everywhere. Not natural. If nature wanted everyone to live then 3 out of 5 lion cubs wouldnt die. As with every other animal species in the wild. If men had to grow and hunt what they ate there would be a lot less of em and they would probably make better husbands.
I find it strange that Vegan, mothernature first, naturalists are always the ones that support feeding everyone, giving everyone health care, taxing the heck out of individuals and small business( big business is insulated by all politicians and all partys) to pay for it yet they are the first people to deny mother nature taking its course. Like " survival of the fittest" if your gonna put darwin on your little fish on the back of your hybrid car then be ready to live by it. If you wanna free Tibet you will have to fight the communist army of china.
I think the answer really lies in self sufficient towns and villages. Citys are actually an un natural way to live. Sorry N.Y.C, Chicago and especially Phoenix.
Disease, Crime, no food, not enough water, if you think about it There is no way it should be able to sustain life. If all gas/oil stopped the worlds cities would be crippled. Out of food within approx. 4 days or so. If the fresh water supply was compromised then people would start dying on the 4th day and by the 8th day almost everyone within the city would perish. The ones that could get out would empty every store they found. They would overrun all the farms closest to the city, killing cows, chickens and other livestock for food. I guess they could eat cats and dogs/pigeons in the city and drink their blood until that source ran out. Maybe they should put some fields/gardens in central park. Or where the twin towers were, give out tomatoe seeds instead of welfare stamps.
This may seem overboard to some people but think about New Orleans and Katrina.
Im sure everyone blames it on the Federal Government but at the end of the day when the rubber hits the road it is all about how well we as individuals prepare for and react when disaster strikes.
If you are going to depend entirely on your government for everything you and your family receive then you better make sure you vote for the right people. Also you better move to a Communist country. But those people have to work hard for whatever the gov. wants to pay them and if you talk back its the re-education camp for you.
Bottom line is self suffiency. If you dont work you dont eat. That makes a lot of men step up to the plate.
Also the little catch phrases like
the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Women and children first ( that means they get served first not stoned first osama ) Think of how the men acted on the titanic when it was sinking.
Stich in time saves 9.
Save for a rainy day.
If a business needs the government to help it run it is not a viable business.
Give a man a fish he eats for a day, teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime.
aka Handup no hand out.
People will never care for or respect something they did not earn for themselves. No freebies...
and so on.......
Just some thoughts.... beware of idealogical hypocrisy it is everywhere on all sides.
Common sense is really the only answer. Remember the margarine commercial " Dont mess with mother nature" like building a city below see level( New Orleans) or houses on the side of a mud hill ( Malibu) or a 100 plus story building that people live in. The list goes on and on and on. Remember you cant harp on living green and then fly your lear jet to monte carlo. Or go to starbucks for your 5 dollar coffee that comes out of a machine with PLASTIC parts ( petroleum) and the beans were shipped to the US in a big cargo ship that spilled oil/sewage and trash in the ocean and used 10000 gallons of diesel fuel to get to Seattle. And it probably had south american workers on board who are basically slaves.
When you really think its deeeepppp doo doo we are treading in.
Just a few run on thoughts. later, BT

deny said...

Thank you BT, very eloquent. I agree with alot of what you say, I too want the self sufficient village. I believe in eating local. Gov subsidies are at the root, possibly created for an altruisitc reason but have created this deep doo we are wallowing in. 'leaping without looking'. which is an expample of why environmentalist won't let the gov just go make GMO crops, because it has MAJOR ramifications that no one knows or are thinking about, until its too late. And I would warn you that lumping ALL vegans into a group that is liberal & ready to give handouts to let everyone survive, IS DANGEROUS territory. that would be like saying all musicians are drug addicts, or all republicans are retarded. SEE? It just isn't fair. maybe alot are, but believe me, I think some people on this planet need to NOT have 15 kids (irresponsible) and should have to go hunt for food or build their shelter, and get taken out by mother nature, yeah its sad when that little lion gets killed by its daddy 'cause thats how it goes in nature, but it is MOTHER NATURE and that ain't bad. We ( those concerned with leaving a smaller imprint- vegans and meaters- ) just need to do what we can on our little level & it will all add up & eventually it will reach that unreachable gov machine which will be taken over by the tiny village. And maybe if it happens fast enough we wont have the giant disaster and I wont have to drink pigeon blood.