Sunday, August 19, 2007

Pathway to Peace

This is an annual summer conference put on by the Kushi Institute They promote health and wellness through a macrobiotic approach. basically eating whole grains & veg
Sound boring? its not at all actually I think it is more challenging. In the 80s, the first time I tried MacB ( my new name for macrobiotics) used to be brown rice and not much else, some crazy veg I'd never heard of & sea kelp. I got Michio Kushi's book The Macrobiotic Way. It was just so hard to understand the Yin & Yang of food. So I ate sushi for a while & then gave up. So when I decided my key to health was MacB, I was daunted, back to that book, it just didn't make sense. But EUREKA! its the 21st century, we have internet, so off I went... there were OPTIONS! hooray. I am saved. You can buy MacB food online, there are forums, there are new books! I'll write about them as I go along. They were at the conference.

The conference is a mix of eating & cooking Macrobiotic and learning how to be better humans and live with less of an imprint on the earth. Some classes I attended were about health, some were more global health, some were cooking. And of course there was eating, 3 meals a day! that made eating MacB easy, I finally got to experience how it should REALLY taste and look.

You may already know some or all of this stuff, but maybe there is a nugget somewhere. So come along and get some of the information and inspiration.

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